Monday, May 31, 2010

Four Piece

Love. Who needs it and really even experiences it the feeling is more
like lust, when you have that the sexual feeling is a must to have.
Why must we have this urge to love with love comes new sight feeling
and belief butthe downside grief to have loved is to hve lived, with
that said I guess I just ain’t lived,

Ordinary is what I am, and to me life I one big schame, getting ripped
all the time people lie saying they can make your life better
gradually downgrade you like paper in a shedder. Cheddar cheese, money
makes the world go round and mother earth looks at her people with a
frown. Give and you will recieve a phrase quickly becoming obsolete.
Straying from the truth as one would stray from an ally cat, not
believing in anything and the Lord knows tht!

Vicious to one another, caring more about a purse killing and driving
past the long black hurse. The situations getting worse. Robbing
Peter to pay Paul, Peter goes back to his family with nothing at all.
Victorious violence is hate as love sucummbs I gently try to bring her
back as I bandage her wombs but the cut is deep and equally as brutal
millions of stabs the next piercing deeper than the first, oh who has
bestowed us with such a curse.

Enough! The kind must take it’s shrine, look at the clock it’s loud
abrasive tickings the eleventh hour is near, the fear is awakening we
must kill the hatred which lies in our hearts kill the envy which
consumes our thoughts, kill the greddyness which lives on our hands.
Appreciate the quiet where so so mute one could hear the silence of
the lambs if you allow the silence to detect, Kindness will resurrect!
And once it does we will find love, a gentle kiss will be bestowed on
my melancholy cheek, I will float. Love is no joke but with it we can
win and extinct hatred the very worse sin.

text i dont see what anyone could see in anyone else but YOU

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