Friday, June 25, 2010

The Shadow.

I see this little girl crying all alone on a bench

Although I cannot see her face

I see her tears

I wonder why she sits there all alone

Quiet and mellowdrone

She sits alone

Family and friends stopped to see about her

But they didnt have what her soul was searching for

Until a little boy came

He proved to be just what she needed

But just like all the others he just passed her by

Not there to stay

Over time his face fades away

But left a bruise on her heart

But the good thing about bruises is in time they’ll heal

And there she sits

Confused as to whether I should go console her

I make up my mind

Ive been watching her all this time

Guy after guy each proves to be a bigger burden on her heart

I could have stopped all of this

But instead I watched and let it happen

But im walking to her now

I can save her

From all of the pain

I can take it all away

I can bring her sunshine on the cloudiest days

I grab her and look her in the face

Startled and Shocked to what I see

That girl is me.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wishful Thinking

Im losing gravity im falling for you
I hope you can catch me, I don’t want to be bruised
I hope you love me, I don’t want to be used.
I wish I could write you a lullaby and watch you fall asleep in my arms
We’d count sheep together like were laying on a farm.

Ode to Atalanta

Oh so beautiful but don’t let it ruin you
The clubs, the art, the colleges
It can make or break you
So many chasing the same dream, thinking the same thing
The money, the cars, the clothes and especially the hoes
All that many of these “niggas know”
I wanna rap so I can get it all
But what he doesn’t know is he is set up to fall
For every rapper that made it big
There are 50,000 others who’s dream got differed
In a city of fortune and fame
So many forget their name
Now im not telling anyone to give up on their dream
But be smart, cuz in life everything aint as easy as it seems
So often the fame is glamorized, but fame to me is embellished lies
Hard work pays off some of the time

Every time I met someone new I always play this song in my head.


I see crime outside my window, so I close the blinds
I see you giving my love away , so I tell my eyes theyre lying
Id rather be blind than to see things my heart cannot handle
I see hungry children, so I change the channel
They say lifes a beginning, so I walk on it,
Lifes a demise, so eventually ill drown in it
I feel safe inside my window, where I can hide from my worries
I feel safe in my head, where I can make my own stories
My own endings, my own friends
No homework, No school
And If I ruled the world….oh wait I do!
But only when I put lipstick on my brain
Now back to society where my mind is in chains

Losing my Balance

I think im losing my balance cuz this boy he really had me
Sweet on my tooth like a cavity
Now when his name is mentioned I feel a rot in my stomach
But with him I thought we could summit,
But don’t fall for the beautiful lies in which others can give
Im only 19 ive barely even lived
So there are some tricks I will fall for
Like an adolescent just wanting a treat
Like a hungry person wanting to eat
I wanted you, all of you right down to your toe
See it was a short amount of time but I could tell you were different, or at least I thought so
But the absence of longevity just fooled me
As I hum love oh love stop making a fool of me
You continue to find ways to creep into my happy days
Oh my friends say you don’t need a man to be happy
But im ready for a commitment I know that may seem sappy
On to the next has never been something I didn’t know
But im constantly im done with, I want someone who with I can grow
Our love can grow high like the beanstalk, so high, others will try to tamper it
Damper it but we will pay them no mind, because when im with you I have a piece of mind,
And mine is yours, yours is mine, not moving too fast just taking our time
See my rhymes in this maybe weak, but at this point so am I

I just wish I could meet a guy whos not gone lie
See when it comes to my emotions don’t play me like a game
Its totally different when dealing with someone’s brain
I am a beautiful black woman, why am I put through so much pain
But one day ill look back and see, why we weren’t meant to be
Because ill be with someone who proves my every fanatasy known
And together we’ll laugh while reading this poem.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

"A Blues for Nina" one day a man will think so highly of me to write a song/poem

Before the Sun Rises.

Let's make tonight last
Cuz once that sun briskly touches our faces, well have to go back to
our places.
Our chaotic and hectic lives
The shewrd lies
The hurt and pain of living
More receiving not enough giving
But Lets not dwell on the bad
We are here tonight, let's make this last
Ohh but the hurt and pain consumes my brain, I want to talk about the
toxic atrocities that lie ahead of me
But you kiss me on my forehead so gently
You hold me in your arms and I feel safe and secure from all hard
A living and breathing alarm
Your love all in my system
Your warm breath is felt in the back of my neck, a smell so sweet I
know I will not regret, the moment to come
And before I knew it we were done.
You held me like every man should
Carefully Caressed me like I was yours
As you touched my skin you must have strocked my heart because all
these feelings have come up like vomit this is rare for me a comit. I
feel asleep and as I woke up you were gone
Like unwritten lyrics for an unsung song
I sit in my regrets, swimming in all my tears drowned in my fears
Confusing love with lust, let me close my heart wouldn't want it to

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


The love you gave me I shall never experience another
No love is ever stronger than that of a mother
Always through thickness and strife,
Always there even when she is no longer a wife
As the tears run down my face, she’s always there to embrace
And every time I look into the mirror I see your beautiful face
That gives me the strength to go on
And if anything I’d like for you to experience my deep gratitude of love felt through this poem